new construction metal plates

  • New Construction Pot Light Mounting Metal Plate

    Sturdy and durable: The metal plate is made of high-quality materials that are strong and durable, ensuring that the pot light fixture is securely mounted and will not move or shift over time. Easy to install: The pot light mounting plate can be easily installed onto a ceiling or wall using screws or bolts, making the installation process quick and hassle-free. Versatile: The pot light mounting plate is available in various sizes and shapes, allowing it to be used with a wide range of pot light fixtures. Provides stability: The pot light mounting plate provides a stable base for the pot light fixture, ensuring that it remains securely in place and does not sag or shift over time. Conceals wiring: The pot light mounting plate can be used to conceal wiring and other components of the pot light installation, providing a clean and streamlined look to the ceiling or wall.

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